pH DownGrowth Technology pH Down is a stable solution of 81% phosphoric acid. It is used to lower the pH of your nutrient solution. It is a very concentrated product and a little goes a long way. How To Use pH Down Always add pH adjustments after...
- From £5.95
£0.00- From £5.95
- Unit price
- per
pH Buffer 7Used to check and calibrate pH meters. Buffer 7 is a solution with a stable pH value of 7. To use pour out a little of the liquid into a cup and then follow the calibration guidelines of your pH meter. We recommend regularly...
- £3.50
£0.00- £3.50
- Unit price
- per
Bluelab pH PenAll the quality you would expect from a Bluelab product in a handy pen form. The Bluelab pH Pen is an ultra-reliable and fully waterproof handheld pH meter. It can quickly and accurately measure the pH and temperature of your nutrient solution so you...
- £91.95
£114.95- £91.95
- Unit price
- per
pH UpGrowth Technology pH Up is a stable solution of 25% potassium hydroxide. It is used to raise the pH of your nutrient solution. It is a very concentrated product and a little goes a long way. How To Use pH Up Always add pH adjustments after you have added...
- From £4.95
£0.00- From £4.95
- Unit price
- per
Bluelab Nutrient TruncheonThe Bluelab Truncheon has continued to prove itself as the best nutrient meter on the market. This ultra tough device is built to last a lifetime. It can measure your conductivity in a range of easy-to-read formats. It's 'long' design is perfect for stirring nutrient tanks with, plus...
- £88.95
£109.95- £88.95
- Unit price
- per
Aqua Master Tools P50 Pro pH & Temperature MeterAnother premium quality nutrient measuring meter from Aqua Master Tools. The P50 pH Meter will accurately measure both the pH and temperature of your water in 0.1 increments. The meter compensates for temperature when measuring so you can rest assured you will always receive...
- £53.95
£0.00- £53.95
- Unit price
- per
pH Buffer 4Used to check and calibrate pH meters. Buffer 4 is a solution with a stable pH value of 4. To use pour out a little of the liquid into a cup and then follow the calibration guidelines of your pH meter. We recommend regularly...
- £3.50
£0.00- £3.50
- Unit price
- per
BioBizz Bio pH DownDesigned for the organic grower to safely lower the pH of the nutrient solution without risking any harm to microbes and other beneficials which can occur when using products such as Phosphoric Acid to alter the pH. Bio Down is an aqueous solution of citric acid, found naturally in citrus fruits. It designed to work...
- From £10.95
£0.00- From £10.95
- Unit price
- per
pH Test KitA simple and economical way to measure the pH of your nutrient reservoir or watering can. The kit gives a visual indication of the pH of water between a range of 5.6-7.4 and contains enough for around 150 tests. To use simply fill the...
- £4.95
£0.00- £4.95
- Unit price
- per
Hobby pH MeterA great entry level pH meter, perfect for those on a budget or that just need a short term solution for measuring their pH. The Garden King pH Meter is very easy to use, simply turn the meter on and immerse the probe in...
- £19.95
£0.00- £19.95
- Unit price
- per
pH Probe Refill & Storage SolutionpH probes can dry out when stored and this can have a seriously detrimental effect to their accuracy and lifespan. This easy-to-use solution helps to maintain your pH probes accuracy and lifespan especially when your meter is not in use. This solution contains dilute...
- £5.95
£0.00- £5.95
- Unit price
- per
EC/CF Calibration FluidUsed to check and calibrate nutrient conductivity meters. We offer two different solutions to cater for the requirements of most meters. 1.4m/S has a stable EC level of 1.4 and 2.8m/S has a stable EC level of 2.8. To use pour out a little of the...
- £3.50
£0.00- £3.50
- Unit price
- per
BioBizz Bio pH UpDesigned for the organic grower to safely raise the pH of the nutrient solution without risking any harm to microbes and other beneficials which can occur when using Hydrogen Peroxide to alter the pH. Bio Up is a natural formulation of humic acids, designed to...
- From £9.95
£0.00- From £9.95
- Unit price
- per
Bluelab Conductivity EC/CF PenA small and robust pen for accurately measuring the conductivity and temperature of your nutrient solution. It's an essential tool for those that want to get the very best results from your plants. The pen is fully waterproof and shock resistant and capable of...
- £78.95
£89.95- £78.95
- Unit price
- per
Aqua Master Tools E50 Pro EC & Temperature MeterAqua Master Tools are a Dutch company offering a range of high performance testing equipment. The E50 is a top quality and very accurate meter for measuring the EC and temperature of your nutrient solution. The meter is very simple to use and comes fully...
- £49.95
£0.00- £49.95
- Unit price
- per
Bluelab OnePenThe first all in one handheld pen from the best in the business; Bluelab. The OnePen accurately measures pH, conductivity (EC/PPM) and temperature allowing you to fully optimise your plant nutrition. The pen is highly durable and has an IP68 dust and waterproof rating...
- £199.95
£0.00- £199.95
- Unit price
- per
Bluelab Probe Care KitsEverything you need to clean and maintain your pH or conductivity meters to ensure they work accurately for a long period of time. Created by industry leaders Bluelab to service any of their products we offer (except the Pulse Meter) as well as most...
- From £16.95
£0.00- From £16.95
- Unit price
- per
Bluelab Guardian Monitor Wi-FiSee your three critical nutrient parameters (conductivity, pH and temperature) anywhere at any time! The Bluelab Guardian mounts to the wall with two probes in your reservoir and constantly monitors your nutrient solution, displaying real-time levels on an easy to read display. It has...
- £349.95
£439.95- £349.95
- Unit price
- per
Bluelab Pulse Multimedia EC/MC MeterA new generation of measuring tool that provides you with quick read-outs of root zone moisture, conductivity and temperature with a single click and all delivered directly to your phone. Say goodbye to kicking and weighing pots to check moisture, or second guessing run...
- £249.95
£329.95- £249.95
- Unit price
- per